Republican/Conservative Deconstruction

The GOP knows that the tax cuts for the wealthy, for eg., will increase the deficit. GOP deficit concerns are merely theatre. They plan to increase deficits. They’ve been successful in convincing people of their authenticity and sincerity.
Their ultimate plan is to drive government into true bankruptcy, and then blame the opposition for fiscal irresponsibility. They believe this will rally the base and independents to literally demolish much of the federal structure. It’s longterm plan, and not a conscious one for many of its adherents. It’s a function of the necessities of a philosophy of hatred toward restraints of almost any kind, matched with a natural fear/hatred of the underclasses.
But how would the conservative constituency and contractors like Halliburton, etc. succeed with a radically stripped down federal government? Gone would be many hundreds of billions of dollars in federal contracts, except for military spending, border security, and foreign policy (which conservatives agree are the bailiwick of the federal government). These three and other “appropriate” federal functions would generate a huge amount of federal contracts, to be sure.