They Will Say ANYTHING! . . . Disturbingly Left of Center


Six Redskins Trademarks Canceled – Here’s The Cover Letter That The Government Thought Was “Too Technical” For You!

Michael Matthew Bloomer, June 19, 2014. The sports world and the other parts of the world learned today that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Washington D.C. cancelled six of the Washington Redskins’...


Snoozing At The Snark Station Chris Christie Crew Hurts David Wildstein Less Than Their Boss

Should Chris Christie’s recent troubles end with a whimper rather than in a bang he might re-emerge as a 2016 contender for the GOP presidential nomination. If he survives, unless he finds a better team to guide him, his run for the nomination . . .


Glenn Beck’s 2014 New Year’s Resolutions Activate The Resolution Backtrack Clock

For 2014 we have this: “I will serve more than I am served. I will help more people in need. I will be less cynical and highlight as many stories of decency, hope, and love as I can find. I will be an encouragement to others rather than a stumbling block. I will love my neighbor as myself.” Heady indeed. Presumably that will include a lifting of . . .


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