Michael Matthew Bloomer, Feb. 17, 2013 Until a bridge collapses on Paul Ryan, here’s the GOP’s infrastructure policy. (For background on infrastructure policy, see The Ongoing GOP Attack On America’s Infrastructure)
“Mr. Mica said of his House colleagues, ‘They wouldn’t vote on a Mother’s Day resolution if it had extra spending on it.’“1 In August 2012, Mark Thoma, economist and Fellow at the American Century...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 14, 2013. Marco Rubio had high hopes for his GOP response to the State of the Union address, as did his GOP colleagues. Yet, Rubio, at the twelve-minute mark of...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 13, 2013. Congressman Steve Stockman is from Texas, and they do things bigger there. Bigger ain’t always better, but it is bigger and that seems awfully important to Texans. In this...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, filing this story from the Vatican Papal Suite, Vatican City, Italy. February 12, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI may have signaled His intention to abdicate four days before His February 11th announcement. Today,...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 7, 2013 Reporting from Leicester, England, February 7, 2013, Continuing coverage1 Dazed, confused, and without internal organs or skin, the last Plantagenet king of England, thought killed in 1485’s Battle...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, filing this story from Leicester, in ancient Worcester County, Massachusetts, February 5, 2013. The missing King of England, the man called Richard III by his subjects, has been found in a...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 3, 2013 While a very mundane Super Bowl limped towards its yawn-inducing conclusion with nary a dozen fans still in attendance, a world away Mali beat South Africa on penalties...
Michael Matthew Bloomer, February 2, 2013 To date, the purported remaking of the GOP as a response to their national thumping in 2012 has not in any way turned their policy choices right-side up. Louisiana...
“Were you right or wrong, Senator?” John McCain to Chuck Hagel about Hagel’s disagreement with the Iraq surge At the Senate “advise and consent” confirmation hearing yesterday John McCain had so little self-knowledge that...