Newt’s Very Good Day: Trump Endorses Romney!

And we think we’ve got troubles? Consider for a moment the plight of Mitt Romney, the once nearly presumptive 2012 GOP Presidential candidate. Not so nearly presumptive lately despite his big win over Newt Gingrich in last Tuesday’s Florida primary. Mitt’s been roughed up lately. His comments about the “very poor” have been grist for the journalistic mill for both left and right. From Reverend Al to Limbaugh. Now that’s bipartisan. Added to his more and more criticized ties to Bain Capital, and his 2011 income taxes (so very reluctantly released for examination), Mitt’s in a funk of decline.
And now! Now, when he needs a break, fer God’s sake, now comes the Clown Pope of New York, Donald Trump from beneath his Las Vegas circus tent to celebrate the anointment of Mitt Romney as his favored one! Ut serve. For Romney, now identified more closely than ever with the upper 1% of the upper
1% of moneybags, Trump’s sponsorship can only make that even worse for him, much worse. And imagine the Romney camp trying doing fire brigade for both Romney and Trump? Wow! Fasten your seat belts! Worst endorsement ever?
How does Mitt really feel about this, one wonders?
And could even Newt’s oddball imagination imagine that today would be such a very good day?