More Locations Where Herman Cain Has NOT Been Accused Of Sexual Harassment

At Tuesday night’s GOP debate, CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo – obliquely – asked Herman Cain about his character given the sexual harassment claims against him.
“I value my character and my integrity more than anything else, and for every one person that comes forward with a false accusation – there are probably – there are thousands who would say, none of that sort of activity came from Herman Cain.”
Today, I intercepted (through outright theft) a coming Cain campaign chart illustrating Mr. Cain’s answer to Ms. Bartiromo . . .
Here it is. There are, as you can see, many areas where Mr. Cain has not been accused of sexual indiscretions. For me, this resolves all my questions about Mr. Cain’s character (under the statistical or proportionality defense discussed here).