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Meet Limbaugh’s New Publicist, Democrat James Carville.

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Yes, that’s right, James Carville – the architect of Bill Clinton’s presidential victories and among the loudest and most entertaining Democratic party partisans – now claims he’s Rush Limbaugh’s publicist. And moreover, he’s served as Planet Limbaugh’s “unpaid publicist . . . his communications director, if you will.” Have a listen:

He’s certainly right about Limbaugh’s present outsized influence. If you’ve seen the tape of his speech at the CPAC “festival” he oozes hubris; he makes Gingrich look pale and wan. If you’re a person who wishes, for the sake of participatory democracy, that we had a marketable and sensible GOP, then the present ascendancy of Limbaugh, combined with the (thus far) sorry spectacle of RNC Chairman Michael Steele, makes that hope simply unrealizable. Until GOP chickenhawks grow some cahones and ignore Limbaugh’s taunts rather than apologize to him there will be no alternative to this craven de facto leader of the GOP.

Their demographic base, driven and fed by Battleship Limbaugh, is unfavorable to future electoral success. The older bigots and racists who were manipulated by the GOP for 30 years, now have children who, thank God, show some tendency toward rethinking the old ways. The Democratic party, though, benefits from this GOP refusal to deflate Limbaugh. In effect, the GOP is, both figuratively and literally, withering and dying – almost suicidally – with its insistence on continuing to cater to its aging Luddite base and to the leader of the last war, Rush Limbaugh.

There is a non-racist, non-bigoted, non-Robber Baron (I think) alternative GOP, but to get there reformers must battle Limbaugh to the finish, and others too, like Beck, Hannity, and Coulter. Sane GOP reformers must strategize about Limbaugh rather than apologize to Limbaugh. Although, being a known Democratic partisan, I’m happy to wait for a “sensible alternative GOP” until after we have nationalized healthcare, revitalized regulatory agencies, reoriented the tax burden, replaced cut-throat competition with cooperation, and established a new attitude about governance as a laudable goal rather than a perennial target . . .


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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at mjmmoose@gmail.com

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