London Police Rescue Ungrateful Anarchist From Berserk Wheelchair.

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The wheelchair with attitude pictured a week before its attack on Anarchist Jody McIntyre. |
Wheelchair attacks man!
London police rush to his aid!
A life preserved by dramatic intervention.
The scene: Last Thursday. London. Evening. Crazed anarchists march to demand even more free money for lazy university students. Suddenly, one of the is brutally assaulted by a wheelchair with murder on its mind. Unarmed London police rush to assist. Anarchist saved. Wheelchair subdued.
As the kids say, “This is where it gets weird.” Despite manfully confronting an out of control wheelchair, the heroic efforts of the London police were bitterly scorned by the man whose life, just moments before, had been preserved by their quick response.
Identified by his I.D. card – surely forged – as “Jody McIntyre, Violent Anarchist Revolutionary,” Mr. McIntyre plans to sue the Metropolitan Police Service for God knows what. Perhaps for saving his life? For failure to inquire “May we?” beforehand? Maybe for trampling his “right” to be consumed by a wheeled medical device?
Who is it who said, “No good deed goes unpunished”? I have no idea. I do know, however, that this affair qualifies splendidly. Mr. McIntyre, I’d bet my last penny, is known among his anarchist brood for a consistently angry visage and chronic violent activities not yet hinted at or known. And yet, regardless of his thoroughly alleged incendiary traits, he – of all people – has engaged the services of a solicitor (the equivalent, I am informed, of a first year law student here in the United States).
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“Did you say ‘college students’?” |
A solicitor! To do what, exactly? To draft a sincere and overdue letter of gratitude to the generous “bobbies” who on his behalf intervened. No. Quite the contrary. In this era of litigiousness over presumed “rights,” Anarchist McIntyre will drag the Metro Police Service into court to upbraid his modern day Samaritans! I’d bet my Grandmother that McIntyre will complain of mistreatment when the police assisted him to the asphalt, quickly dragged him to the safety of a nearby sidewalk, and safely tapped him on the head with a police baton to calm him. All the while, take note, other sturdy officers were wrestling the miscreant wheelchair to the ground lest it pursue McIntyre and resume its attack.
We shall see whether the rude Mr. McIntyre succeeds in his legal mischief. I am absolutely certain about forcefully alleging that he is a man who despises the very legal system he now cynically seeks to employ. If he prevails, he ought to be expelled from Britain; if he fails, he ought to be expelled from Britain.
Watch the BBC NEWS video below – witness (and pity) the intrepid interviewer, BBC’s Ben Brown, vainly trying to get the truth about McIntyre’s highly alleged violent and unmannered past. Read the Guardian article. Then, you decide using your rational brain.
A final note: Other than reaffirming my hatred of alleged anarchists, this episode reaffirmed another of my habits. The next time while strolling I happen upon a person being assaulted by an unsavory wheelchair (or any other medical device) I shall remain steadfast in my longstanding policy, and quickly stroll past.
A more nearly final note: The offending wheelchair was arrested but bonded out the next day through the auspices of the Medical Devices Defense Fund, represented in court by a heart and lung machine.
Another in a series of final notes: For more on last Thursday’s “Day X” activities, go to UK Uncut’s blog. For something about UK Uncut, go here.
The really final note(s):