Lieberman to Senate Democrats . . .

The Democratic Caucus As Doormat. On Tuesday, the Senate Democratic Boys Club, i.e. caucus, voted, and unfortunately – but as expected – they barely bruised the recalcitrant and seemingly unrepentant Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman. By a vote of 42-13 (this included the freshman senatorial class to take office in late January 2009) the caucus allowed Lieberman not only to remain in the party, but, more importantly, to keep his chairmanship of the Committee on Homeland Security and Government Reform. In a clearly symbolic gesture they stripped him of his membership on the Environment and Public Works Committee. In fact, Lieberman himself did not consider his loss of the committee post as punishment for his support of John McCain, telling Politico magazine, “I don’t view it a a sanction,” but, rather, as a gesture on his behalf “in a spirit of cooperation.” Senator Patrick Leahy likened Lieberman’s treatment to a “slap on the wrist.” Apparently, Lieberman doesn’t even rate a week in rehab.
The resuscitated Lieberman spoke with Katie “Gotcha” Couric after the vote on Tuesday:
“Couric: Did you understand at the time how nervy [your speech for McCain at the Republican presidential nominating convention] might seem to some Democrats? How inappropriate?
Lieberman: I understood that I was doing something different as an Independent Democrat supporting a Republican candidate. But I did it not only because I felt so strongly on behalf of my friend John McCain, but because there is so much partisanship in our politics today that really stops us from getting things done for the American people. And in a speech that I would guess went 15 or 20 minutes, I spoke three sentences, which I believe were respectful, about Senator Obama. ” [Emphasis added]
Insult, meet Injury. Imagine the mountain range sized chutzpah of the senator-in-name-only. He speaks first to Couric of “partisanship” and how very much it upset his bleeding bipartisan soul. Lieberman, however, carried out one of the more partisan agendas of the present Congress through his nearly criminal mishandling of his committee. Then, not satisfied with that damage, he fought tooth and nail for John McCain and Sarah Palin for what would have been another four years of Bush politics! And, have no doubt, he was no casual bystander. He descended into the mud with the McCain campaign, standing idly by while Palin, in particular, spewed forth the worst distortions, lies, and fear mongering about Obama and his agenda. Remember too, that he also vigorously politicked for the defeat of challengers to GOP incumbent Bush rubber stamp senators. And then, in his his next comment to Couric, in a coup de grace to understatement, he appeared to brag that during his Republican convention speech he “spoke three sentences, which I believe were respectful, about Senator Obama.” Three entire sentences, and “respectful,” you say? Given his overall behavior during the campaign, this is roughly the equivalent of Brutus whispering into Caesar’s ear, “You know, I’ll really miss you” whilst driving the shiv deep into his heart.
The entire episode is utterly offensive. It makes one cringe at the thought of the lack of inner resources not only of Lieberman, but, more importantly, of the 42 Democratic senators who voted in secret for this charade. Lieberman – and any other Democrat of similar persuasion – is now on notice that a Democratic senator may injure his own party without conscience and suffer no punishment whatever. Sickeningly, Lieberman, like a typical Republican, used Democratic principles against us to secure his redemption. Bipartisanship, indeed. Lieberman is among the more partisan (for Republican war hawks, torture, eavesdropping, etc.) and among the more unrelenting. For the Gang of 42 Democrats to have provided this disgraceful man the bully pulpit at one of the more important committee chairs is beyond reprehensible, its primary impulse is cowardly and, in what has lagtely become a Democratic tradition, self-loathing. I believe this will come back to bite the caucus firmly on the exposed Dem Derriere.
Buyers Beware. Firstly, will Lieberman provide the kind of hard hitting committee investigations called for regarding Bush administration abuses and lawbreaking? My guess is that we’ll hear him and the Democratic caucus refuse to “play the blame game,” and counsel the nation “to move on with the important business” of handling multiple crises, crises, of course, left behind by the Bush regime. They and Lieberman will counsel “moving forward.” Thus, at least in Lieberman’s potentially powerful committee very little will likely be done to set the historical record straight, much less to bring the Bush gang to justice. And thus a critical opportunity to uncover Bush administration perfidy will pass by the boards, and as the years pass, investigations will become more remote and less comprehensive. Should this come to pass it will be a national disgrace, and we will have the victorious Democratic Senate to “thank” for it. Hopefully, the House will not follow suit.
Secondly, and I’ve heard no mention of this before, is there any doubt that if McCain had emerged victorious, and if the Republicans had lost only two or three Senate seats, that Lieberman would have fled the Democratic party to accept a position in the McCain/Palin administration and membership in the GOP? As it is, Lieberman remains a threat to slyly communicate Democratic caucus strategy and tactics to the GOP. Among the worse nightmares I have is Lieberman running his Senate committee as a base to advance the hopes of the Republican party by taking every occasion to hold politically motivated hearings and use the subpoena power against President Obama’s administration. That would be a fine comeuppance for the 42 Democrats who supported his blame-free reentry into the caucus. Perhaps then they might be moved to remove him from his committee chair? I wonder if even that level of perfidy would be enough for the caucus to be moved to anger.
Have no doubt, Joseph Lieberman is not a prodigal son returning home to ask forgiveness and to receive forgiveness. This is a traitor to his Democratic colleagues sneaking back home without sorrow and unconcerned with forgiveness after nearly burning down the family home.