Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Praises GOP Governors’ Impact, Others Seek Shelter

This morning on MSNBC’s Daily Rundown, Iowa’s GOP Governor Terry Branstad called up all the verbal gymnastics he could muster to avoid answering Chuck Todd’s initial question about Branstad’s stance on same-sex marriage issues in Iowa. I’ll write more about the governor’s shuck and jive tour de force later, but for now, below is just one stop on Branstad’s determined journey away from responsiveness and, it seems, from reality . . .
“Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Indiana are all going in the right direction, and Republican governors have reduced taxes, and reduced regulatory burdens, that’s the kind of leadership we need in the White House, just like the new governors who are revitalizing the economies of their states. We see what Mitch Daniels did in Indiana, and all these new governors from Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin are doing the same thing and
we’re making an impact.”

Those governors in the swing states are universally hated. Most have approval ratings in the 30's and will likely be removed at the next election. Walker may be gone next month.
"Go, Walker, go!" As in "Leave, Walker, leave!"