Herman Cain Surprises Meet The Press – Calls Himself Stupid!

From: Meet the Press, October 16, 2011, transcript of a portion of the discussion between David Gregory and Herman Cain, arguably the front runner in the GOP presidential race for the party’s nomination.
MR. GREGORY: You’ve also said that stupid people are ruining America.
MR. CAIN: Yes.
I’ll do it again if you don’t
start listenin’ up!
MR. GREGORY: Who exactly are you talking about?
MR. CAIN: People who are uninformed. People who will not look at an alternate idea. People who are so dug in with partisanship and partisan politics. Open-mindedness is what’s going to save this country. The reason that my message is appealing is because it’s simple and people can understand it. You know, a good idea transcends party politics. But there are some people who will not even consider 9-9-9 or any other proposal if it’s coming from someone of the opposite political persuasion.
But this may be a good thing. Will Rogers once said,
It seems to be the trend . . .