Hardsell With Chris Matthews — Hey Tweety, About Your JFK Book, Enough Already!!

I often don’t follow the mind of Chris Matthews. I don’t keep track, but he appears to change his “favorites list” a bit too often. And consistent, he ain’t. Momentarily attracted to someone, like Dubya, he then, the following show, detests him, then loves him, and on and on, off and off. No one else seems to do this so much, perhaps Blitzer, but he’s simply a shill, which Matthews is not. But now Tweety has found someone he really favors, and for the long-term: capital H “Himself,” and particularly Himself’s new book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero (which I won’t link to, as you’ve maybe witnessed, he does more than enough of that himself, small “h”). Here’s what he had to say about Himself, the author, this evening on Hardball:
“I’ve been up here traveling in New England, by the way, with overwhelming crowds coming out to hear about my book, Jack Kennedy: The Elusive Hero. You might expect it here in New England, the people have been wonderful, in Springfield, here in Boston, and of course with New Hampshire, and down with two big events in Rhode Island. Tonight I’m being honored atthe historic Old North Church with Mark (sic, I believe it’s “Mike”) Barnicle as the Master of Ceremonies. Tomorrow I’m going to be in Chicago as a guest of the Rosie O’Donnell show and then a big book party at the prestigious Standard Club. This Thursday I’m going to be in Minneapolis at the Westminster town hall forum. It’s been an honor to encourage people to get out and bring back a great American hero this Christmas. The true story of Jack Kennedy’s heroism is a gift I think we all need now.”
There’s much to love about this promo if you’re into satire. Heard, it’s pure Tweety, blurted out without a pause for a breath, with a straight face. Himself is certainly very important, “overwhelming crowds,” “I’m being honored,” and “a big book party at the prestigious Standard Club.” People clamor for him pretty much everywhere!
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“I once wrote a book about JFK.” |
The best of this self-promo is in the last two sentences:
“It’s been an honor to encourage people to get out and bring back a great American hero this Christmas. The true story of Jack Kennedy’s heroism is a gift I think we all need now.”
How about that opener, “It’s been an honor to encourage people to get out and bring back a great American hero this Christmas.” Himself is “honored” to “encourage” people to “bring back” Himself’s JFK tome (in English, “to buy”). This simple purchase will metaphorically bring back “a great American hero” into a public consciousness from which I am unaware JFK had ever wandered away from. Finally, ever respectful of the holiday season, this all ought be accomplished “this Christmas,” a wonderful time to stroll through brick and mortar book stores or Amazon.com in the “Matthews, Chris” section or search term.
His best it last, putting it all into 16 words: “The true story of Jack Kennedy’s heroism is a gift I think we all need now.” Oh my. Himself’s true book is “a gift” (recall, he briefly – and probably inadvertently – mentioned it is the holiday season). And it’s a gift “we all need now.” Not perhaps need, not next year, not simply a possible book among others, not someday, but . . . NOW!
Hilarious enough when taken out of context, the real irony of Matthews’ outrageous and embarrassing self-promotion is that just minutes before he and two guests had eviscerated Newt Gingrich (who I detest) and Donald Trump (who I detest, but find LOL funny) because the both are so damned self-promoting. I never thought that Gingo and Trump could ever shrink in comparison to anyone, but Tweety, you’ve managed to make everything new.
Still luv ya, big guy! But I’m full up on JFK Books.