Gun Owners Do The Funniest Things, No. 9 : Less Than 3 Weeks After His Acquittal, George Zimmerman Issued Warning For Speeding In Texas, Has Gun In Glove Compartment

Michael Matthew Bloomer, August 1, 2013
Just what, exactly, must George Zimmerman do to break the law? One does wonder . . .
AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:59pm EDT , By Karen Brooks – George Zimmerman, a volunteer watchman whose
acquittal in the shooting death of unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin led to protests, was pulled over by police in Texas on Sunday for speeding, officials said on Wednesday.
Zimmerman told the officer that he had a weapon in his glove compartment and was going “nowhere in particular,” said Brian Brooks, city manager of Forney, Texas, about 25 miles southeast of Dallas, where Zimmerman was stopped.
The gun in the glove box is legal in Texas, and police routinely ask motorists if they have weapons in the car, Brooks said. He said the entire stop lasted less than five minutes.
In another ‘win’ for Zim, Texas has reciprocity laws allowing those with legal concealed carry permits in other states to carry them in Texas. So, since Texas polices are accommodating, Zim got off with a warning. According to TMZ, the officer even told Zimmerman, “have a nice trip.”
Indeed, but George, if you’re going to race willy nilly around America packing heat, this is not the way to stay on the down low.