George McGovern on Obama’s Afghanistan Policy – Vote Here.
George McGovern spoke with American News Project about President Obama’s decision to send more troops to Afghanistan. He draws upon his memories of his deep involvement with the Vietnam era, culminating in his failed bid for the presidency in 1972.
For my first poll here at They Will Say ANYTHING! I ask a simple question: Do you agree with what I take to be his prediction that President Obama’s domestic agenda will be adversely affected by his actions in Afghanistan? I know it’s a question filled with problems. For example, of course his agenda will be “affected”; we know that already, how could it not be? That’s why I ask the question as a “greatly affected” to “hardly affected” manner. That still doesn’t clean up the question, but it helps.
Note that in the poll I’m defining “successful in public opinion polls” as 58% positive or above; “unsuccessful” as 58% negative or above. I envision the question then being asked to be along the lines of “Do you believe that President Obama’s Afghanistan strategy is successful/unsuccessful?” or “Has the addition of troops into Afghanistan been successful/unsuccessful?”
Here’s the interview:
The poll is in the sidebar at the left. Thanks!
interesting interview!you know he's been a bomber-pilot during WWII and it seems to me that he does feel some regret for some of the things that happened. not everybody finds that sort of thing easy to live with.In general I feel, taht he sounds like a great man and humanitarian, but sometimes you've gotta do what you've gotta do in order to prevent something much worse. having said that the way that the soldiers are getting deployed in Afghanistan and the like is also not how it should's something for you:
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