Egypt’s President Morsi Overthrown, Foreshadowed By His Own Words In June 2012 Tahrir Square Inaugural Speech

Michael Matthew Bloomer, July 2, 2013
I came to talk to you today, because I believe that you are the source of power and legitimacy.
There is no person, party, institution or authority over or above the will of the people.
The nation is the source of all power; it grants and withdraws power.
I say to everyone now…
to all the people, the Ministries and the government, the army and police of Egypt,
men and women, at home and abroad…
I say it with full force “No authority is over or above this power”.
You are the source of power.
You are the owners of the will.
You grant power to whomsoever you choose,
and you withdraw power from whomsoever you choose.
I come to you, today, my beloved Egyptian people,
and I wear no bullet-proof vest, because I am confident,
as I trust God and I trust you, and I fear only God.
And I will always be fully accountable to you.
President Mohamed Morsi
Inaugural Speech in Tahrir Square
Friday June 29, 2012
[Full speech here]