Egypt’s Morsi Ousted! Here’s Transcript Of Egyptian Military Chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s Address To The Nation

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July 2, 2013 - Egyptian military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi's national address ousting Morsi

July 2, 2013 – Egyptian military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s national address ousting Morsi

Michael Matthew Bloomer, July 2, 2013

Al Jazeera television just broadcast Egyptian military chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s national address. Here is my transcription (note that I’ve left out the very first sentence due to Al Jazeera joining the speech late):

“The Egyptian Armed Forces was the first to declare, and is still declaring, and will always declare that it is standing distant from the political process. The Armed Forces, based upon its insightfulness, felt that the Egyptian people are calling for help, not calling it to hold the reins of power or the rules, yet to discharge its civil responsibility and to answer the demands of the revolution. This is the message received by the from all the corners of Egypt, including alleys and villages and towns. And in turn this call was heeded by the Egyptian Armed Forces as it has understood the essence of this message before it came closer to the political scene, holding steadfast and adhering to its trust and responsibility.

The Egyptian Armed Forces, over the past month, has exerted concerted efforts, direct and indirect, to contain the situation within, and achieve national reconciliation among all institutions including the Presidency, since November last. The Armed Forces called for a national dialogue to which all the political and patriotic forces responded, yet it was rejected by the Presidency in the last moment.

Many calls followed, many initiatives followed for days. The Egyptian Armed Forces similarly on more than one occasion presented a strategic assessment, domestically and constitutionally, which contained the most eminent challenges and threats at the security, economic, social, and political levels, and the vision of the Egyptian Armed Forces as a patriotic institution to contain the cause of division and the routes for contention and confront the challenges and perils to exit the current crisis. As we closely monitored and followed the current crisis the command of the armed forces met with the President in the Presidential Palace on June 22, 2013 where it presented the opinion and rejection of the armed forces of any assault on the state institutions, religious and otherwise, and also the masses of the Egyptian people.

Hopes were all pinned on national reconciliation under a roadmap for the future whereby confidence and stability are secured for the people living up to their aspirations and hopes. Yet, the address of the President yesterday and before the expiry of the 48 hour ultimatum did not meet the demands of the masses of the people. As a result it was necessary for the Egyptian Armed Forces based on its historic and patriotic [role] to consult with certain political and social figures without sidelining any party, where the meeting parties agreed upon a future roadmap plan which includes initial measures whereby a powerful Egyptian coherent Egyptian society is achieved without marginalizing any individual, political party, and putting an end to the state of division.

This roadmap includes the following:

  • Suspending the constitution provisionally
  • The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court will declare before the court the early presidential election where the Justice of the Supreme Constitutional Court will run the state affairs during the interim period until a new President is elected.
  • The Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court will have the power to hand down Presidential decrees during the interim period.
  • A technocrat national government will be formed capable and qualified, having full power to run the current affairs.
  • A committee including all spectrum to review the proposed amendments to the constitution which is provisionally suspended.
  • The Supreme Constitutional Court will address the draft law for the Parliamentary elections and prepare for the Parliamentary elections and draft a charter of ethics securing and guaranteeing the freedom of expression, freedom of media, giving priority to the national interests.
  • All the executive necessary matters [will] be taken to empower you to take part in the state institutions and be key players in the decision-making process through our different positions and to prepare for the national reconciliation by figures having acceptance among all affiliations and representatives of all parties.
  • The Egyptian Armed Forces appeals to the Egyptian people with all spectrum to maintain peaceful demonstrations. Stay away from violence which will bring about further tension and shedding the blood of the innocent. And the armed forces warns that it will stand up firmly in cooperation with the Interior Ministry security personnel firmly and strictly to any act deviating from peacefulness under the rule of law based upon its patriotic and historical responsibilities.

The Armed Forces extends all appreciation to the Egyptian Armed Forces. police, and judiciary personnel, dedicated, devoted, and patriotic for their continued sacrifice for maintaining the safety, security. and well-being of the Egyptian people. May God save Egypt and honorable defiant people of Egypt, and may God’s peace be upon you.”

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Michael Matheron

From Presidents Ronald Reagan through George W. Bush, I was a senior legislative research and policy staff of the nonpartisan Library of Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS). I'm partisan here, an "aggressive progressive." I'm a contributor to The Fold and Nation of Change. Welcome to They Will Say ANYTHING! Come back often! . . . . . Michael Matheron, contact me at

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