On the day of the first presidential debate, in a likely attempt to provide Mitt with something to divert audience attention away from his own ineptness, the infamously bombastic Drudge Report announced that it had uncovered a 2007 video that, among other things, features a then presidential candidate Barack Obama greeting and thanking Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Where have we heard that one before? In the 2008 campaign, of course, when, the loony-but-honorable John McCain refused to use it as a cudgel in his campaign.
Also among Drudge’s list of candidate Obama’s sins were an appearance of being African American, an “at times angry speech,” and one delivered with an “accent he almost never adopts in public.” I ask you, how could such a man have ever won a first term as President, much less be in position to win a second term?
Well, as we know, the Jeremiah Wright “problem” was resolved long ago. Obama’s anger? Aside from the absurdity of criticizing anger, having it pointed out by the always fuming Matt Drudge, and exemplified by the politicians he supports, any charge of “anger” leveled at Barack Obama is beyond credibility. It’s ridiculous. Finally, to call Obama out for affecting a long traditional revival preaching accent at a meeting of like-minded parishioners honoring Reverend Wright for his service is equally tin-eared and ridiculous. Matt, let’s face it, that accent is as traditional a practice as polygamy was to Mitt Romney’s grandfather and great-grandfather, and it didn’t result in 32 children. Likely 47%ers.
Finally, and inexplicably, among those critical issues, Drudge sliced and diced Obama’s 2007 comments to include this:
” . . . we need additional public transportation dollars going to highest need communities. We don’t need to build more highways out in the suburbs if we have people in the cities right now who want to work but have no way to get to those jobs. We’ve got to help connect them to the jobs that exist. We should be investing in minority-owned businesses in our neighborhoods so people don’t have to travel from miles away.”
Does that seem outrageous to you? Inexplicable in that it purports to demonize business investment, a Romney/Ryan theme? Is it Drudge-worthy? Yes, it is. Drudge is always a color bearer for the lowest common denominator in screedwriting. So, yes, as a provider of drudge for an increasingly inept Romney campaign, this “exposé” counts as big-time news. In a small-time universe at least.
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