Details Emerge About Herman Cain’s Endorsement Of Newt Gingrich – Sponsorship Included Wife Swap Arrangement

Today, in a disclosure that was still capable of surprising a few pols and pundits, Gloria Cain revealed that her husband’s support for Newt Gingrich for president was solidified after reaching an agreement that included a wife swapping arrangement. Last Saturday night at the West Palm Beach Lincoln Day fundraiser where Mr. Cain announced his support for Gingrich, there was no hint of the arrangement. . . . “This was an independent decision that I made with my people based upon some considerations that I was looking for … I didn’t ask Newt to promise me anything in terms of a cabinet position; I’m not looking to be vice president.” Following the interview, though, the former candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, was asked what, if any, consideration was pivotal in his final verdict to support Gingrich. That’s when he – apparently inadvertently – disclosed the wife swap deal.
A somewhat surprised press corps learned next that Gloria Cain was already “packed and ready as ever” to join the former Speaker of the House in his campaign trailer. (See picture above) “In fact,” Cain continued,
Mr. Gingrich, when reached for comment, was in fine campaign fettle, and spared no words in his written statement. Newt Gingrich letter accepting Gloria Cain’s dual track marriage proposal – |