Charles Dickens: Happy 200th Birthday! What Would “Oliver Twist” Read Like Today . . .?

Back in December 2011, I wrote about a provision in the House version of HR 3630, the payroll tax holiday and unemployment insurance extension proposal now being considered by Congress for extension for all of 2012. The provision I wrote about then was labeled “Ending Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Benefits for Millionaires,” which was a poorly cast joke, a poorly thought out proposal, a sitck in the eye to Democrats, or all three. No matter. It was not a serious proposal, and I wondered, if it had been passed into law, to whom would it apply? Imagine, millionairess denied food assistance!? Here’s how it might appear to a reborn Charles Dickens (‘Boz’), whose 200th birthday we celebrate today, in his new novel Donald Twist.