Michele Bachmann, a crowd favorite among the unhinged, is known for her fervently held principles. Also known for her sophisticated and complicated understanding of cause and effect, her tight grip on logic is renowned. Inside the “read...
“I don’t know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We’ve had an earthquake; we’ve had a hurricane. He said, ‘Are you going to start listening to me...
Please. . . This whole GOP primary thing is sidesplitting and light years beyond ludicrous, but not as comical as it could be. Since all news, good and bad, is first of all entertainment, you Republicans...
Through the simple journalistic expedient of outright theft, TWSA! has tonight come into possession of a memorandum Senator David “D.C. Madam” Vitter (R-LA) received from two of his top staff members. The Vitter memo analyzes the...
Heaven FORFEND!!! Wolf Blitzer, the shell that once had guts, is this minute explaining to whoever is the CNN moderator at this hour just how hurt and upset he is that Anthony Weiner lied...
If You Can Dodge A Vitter, You Can Dodge A Weiner. This is getting old, and I’ve written often of this brouhaha. But the word out today just in from CNN’s Dana Bash that Congressman Anthony...
Senate Majority Leader Reid Reportedly “All oogy” After Receiving Our Close Analysis Of TMZ’s Weiner Gym Photo. . . . . . Here at They Will Say ANYTHING!, I’m fortunate to have a very sharp...