UPDATED, 01-29-2013, 10:20 pm — Be The First To Send Us A Photo Of ANN ROMNEY Shopping At COSTCO And WIN A $50.00 Amazon Gift Card. Also, Prizes For The Two Best Photoshopped Images Too!!!!

UPDATE: 10:20 p.m. . . . We have a winner . . . that was fast. At 9:40 pm (EST), our winner sent the pic below, but that particular picture, I believe, is from the an appearance on one of the national networks during which reporters followed Ann R. around a COSTCO. I remain completely convinced that the Romney campaign ginned this up as a stunt to try to make it appear she’s a “real” person. I’m still stubborn in my belief that she is not, and that this picture doesn’t prove she actually shops at COSTCO. But it fits the contest rules! ANd congratulations to our winner!
So, I’m going to try something different. A $35 Amazon Gift Card for the first pic of Ann Romney that was not generated during a campaign event or other publicity effort. I bet there’s nary a one out there, and if she did shop at COSTCO someone sometime somewhere would’ve recognized her (esp. in Utah) and taker her picture. I’m stubborn in this.
Also, remember that in addition to the new challenge above, there are two prizes remaining for the two best photoshopped images of Ann Romney in a COSTCO. (Just e-mail it to mjmath@verizon.net) See more below.
Original Post, revised, below:
One contest three prizes!!! Unprecedented!!!!
Here’s how this came about: One of the more “Pander Moments” during Mitt Romney’s run for the gold was Ann Romney’s claim that she shopped often at COSTCO. A week before election day I got fed up with what I thought a blatant lie crafted to pull in some COSTCO-demographic votes. I wrote about her claim in “Ann Romney, Release Your COSTCO Records!” — Only Days from Election, Investigation Offers Two Reasons to Support Their Demand, and here was my vision of the Romneys (Mitt, Ann, and Rafalca) on a typical COSCO shopping day:
Click for larger and clearer image
I’m obsessed with this still, months after the last Ann Romney sighting. So, here’s my offer:
For a really good photoshopped image
the best two entries each receive a $20.00 Amazon Gift Card!!!
To enter the contest, just e-mail your picture or photoshopped image to
mjmath@verizon.net with the subject line “Ann Romney.”
I’ll reply to each entry to let you know that I received it, and
will not use your e-mail addfess for any other purpose.
Contest remains open until February 25, 2013