Tagged: Uncategorized

Ca We Afford Cheapskates 0

Ca We Afford Cheapskates

What we cannot afford is the wing of the republican party that tells us what we cannot afford. Please follow and like us:


NYT “Not only are filings up, but recent filers have had much more credit card debt, often run up in an attempt to keep current on a mortgage that now exceeds the value of...


“En France, nous n’avons jamais vraiment retrouvé l’époque des «Trentes Glorieuses » ; le chômage à son début n’a pas assez alarmé les politiques, du moins pas assez vite ; dans les années qui...

Guest Post: Christophe Cerniou on the New French Resistance, Résister, c’est créer 0

Guest Post: Christophe Cerniou on the New French Resistance, Résister, c’est créer

Résister, c’est créer********* Last summer, Sarkozy was basking in what he considered solid public support for his “reforms” aimed at undercutting the power of France’s labor unions — “these days, when someone has a...


Gregg statement “However, it has become apparent during this process that this will not work for me as I have found that on issues such as the stimulus package and the Census there are...

Thomas’s Promises 0

Thomas’s Promises

All Information (except text) Text of Legislation CRS Summary Major Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions All Congressional Actions with AmendmentsWith links to Congressional Record pages, votes,reports Titles Cosponsors (9) Committees Related Bills Amendments Related...


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