Tagged: politics

Details Emerge About Herman Cain’s Endorsement Of Newt Gingrich – Sponsorship Included Wife Swap Arrangement 0

Details Emerge About Herman Cain’s Endorsement Of Newt Gingrich – Sponsorship Included Wife Swap Arrangement

Today, in a disclosure that was still capable of surprising a few pols and pundits, Gloria Cain revealed that her husband’s support for Newt Gingrich for president was solidified after reaching an agreement that included...

Iowa’s “Kingmaker” Congressman Steve King On Tonight’s Iowa Caucus: “Can’t Read Mum Mah Mah Mah Puh Puh Puh Poker Face.” 1

Iowa’s “Kingmaker” Congressman Steve King On Tonight’s Iowa Caucus: “Can’t Read Mum Mah Mah Mah Puh Puh Puh Poker Face.”

Congressloon Steven King (IA-R) has appeared a few times here at They Will Say ANYTHING!, not, shall we say, covered in glory.  He objected to President Obama using his middle name, Hussein, during the Presidential oath...

41% Of Iowa Caucusers Still Undecided. Here’s Six MORE Things They’re Undecided About. 0

41% Of Iowa Caucusers Still Undecided. Here’s Six MORE Things They’re Undecided About.

It’s the night before the Iowa Caucus and a large number of Iowa’s GOP caucusites are undecided about which loopy candidate to stand up for;  according to today’s polls, 41% of likely caucusers are still scratching their heads.  So,...

FOX Announces New Dark Comedy For GOP Primary Season, “dating iowa!” 0

FOX Announces New Dark Comedy For GOP Primary Season, “dating iowa!”

The Iowa caucus looms.  Today, never caught napping, FOX announced a new sitcom, Dating Iowa! that will air on alternate Tuesdays during the GOP primary season.  The network calls it a “madcap adventure as seven...

Gingrich Industries Webpage – Janitorial Supplies & Programs For Grade School Age Janitors 2

Gingrich Industries Webpage – Janitorial Supplies & Programs For Grade School Age Janitors

Newt Gingrich is notorious for his “futurist” idea that the best way to destroy public school physical plant and janitorial service unions is to employ their children instead for well below minimum wage.  Gingrich...

Just In: See Full Text Of Newt Gingrich’s Divorce Filings Against First Wife Jacqueline. Casts Serious Doubt on Gingo’s Story. 0

Just In: See Full Text Of Newt Gingrich’s Divorce Filings Against First Wife Jacqueline. Casts Serious Doubt on Gingo’s Story.

In 1980, Newt Gingrich left his wife Jacqueline. He was involved in an affair with Marianne Ginther, who would become the next Mrs. Gingrich. Newt has long maintained that it was Jacqueline, not he...

Christmas Future 2022 — Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas For Your Young Public School Janitor’s Assistant, Courtesy Of Gingrich Industries 1

Christmas Future 2022 — Last Minute Holiday Gift Ideas For Your Young Public School Janitor’s Assistant, Courtesy Of Gingrich Industries

The Ghost of Christmas Future –  It’s the year 2022.  December 23rd.  Your holiday shopping deadline is as near as it can get, and you still haven’t purchased a work-related gift for that Junior Assistant School...

Happy Holidays! The House GOP Sucker Punches The President, Their Own Senate Republican Colleagues, And The Anerican People. 0

Happy Holidays! The House GOP Sucker Punches The President, Their Own Senate Republican Colleagues, And The Anerican People.

I’m listening to CNN as the deplorable House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor (R-VA), talks about the House vote, just made, to force a conference on HR 3630, the payroll tax and unemployment extension proposal. ...

GOP Payroll Tax Holiday Proposal Re-Invents Insult With Its Millionaires’ Unemployment Provision 1

GOP Payroll Tax Holiday Proposal Re-Invents Insult With Its Millionaires’ Unemployment Provision

Oppression is more easily endured than insult.  Junius  Indeed.  Here’s an example of the GOP’s expertise with the insult as well as its talent for underestimating its country’s anger about our social and economic situation....


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