Tagged: social security


Three Days Until Fiscal Cliff — Will A House Progressive Uprising Scuttle A Deal?

Three Days Until Fiscal Cliff — Will A House Progressive Uprising Scuttle A Deal? By Michael Matthew Bloomer, Friday, Dec. 28, 2012. Deadlines imminent! Tea Party cooperation missing! Economy jeopardized! Progressives restive! Obama miffed!...

Extending The 2011 Payroll Tax Cut? How To Make The GOP Cry Uncle. 0

Extending The 2011 Payroll Tax Cut? How To Make The GOP Cry Uncle.

Senator John Kyl (R-AZ), who adamantly opposes tax hikes, has found one he really wants to help inflate. How?  By not extending the 2011 payroll tax holiday, he – and the GOP – would  raise the...

White House Debt Summit Tomorrow — Will Obama Cave Or Pave? 0

White House Debt Summit Tomorrow — Will Obama Cave Or Pave?

Tomorrow morning President Obama hosts some friends and enemies at his big white house. They’ll powwow about bills for this and bills for that. Who’ll pay them?  Will we pay them at all?  Can we...

George W. Bush Regrets His Failure To Accomplish Even MORE Damage. 0

George W. Bush Regrets His Failure To Accomplish Even MORE Damage.

 Here’s how I looked when I was being the decider.  They Really Will Say Anything. In Chicago on Thursday, former President George W. Bush was touting the November 9th publication of his his...


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