Tagged: Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)

How Miserly Moneybags Charles Montgomery Burns Came To Be Reborn A “Job Creator” 0

How Miserly Moneybags Charles Montgomery Burns Came To Be Reborn A “Job Creator”

Where and how did Homer Simpson learn to call Mr. Monty Burns, his well-known boss, a “job creator”?  It’s interesting. Springfield Hospital’s maternity ward reports that Burns, early this summer, emerged “reborn” as a...

Congressman Grayson (D) on Massive Foreclosure Fraud at MERS and Elsewhere 0

Congressman Grayson (D) on Massive Foreclosure Fraud at MERS and Elsewhere

Foreclosure’s Not So Much Fun Anymore. Congressman Alan Grayson (D-FL)[Central Florida] recently spoke of a foreclosure controversy that is crawling to the top of the news cycle.  The subject is the Mortgage Electronic Registration System...


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