Tagged: Lesser Depression

Welcome to the Part-Time Lifestyle! 0

Welcome to the Part-Time Lifestyle!

The just released employment report of the Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has begun, I believe, to at least mildly sedate those overly optimistic CNBC cheerleaders who keep braying that the...

2008: Sedate me, Please! 2

2008: Sedate me, Please!

I put together this video summary as a permanent goodbye to 2008, a rough year for economists, but a great year for Obama-ists! The Ramones I Wanna Be Sedated is the perfect summation of...

Layaway’s Out, Theft’s In At ShopN’Shoppe 5

Layaway’s Out, Theft’s In At ShopN’Shoppe

With credit cards on the outs these days, old-fashioned layaway plans are on a nostalgic comeback tour. Sears, Kmart, TJMAxx, and others are bringing back the layaway, usually charging a small fee and requiring...

Ford’s Better Idea 3

Ford’s Better Idea

Wage Wars. There’s a very fine essay at Down With Tyranny (DWT) discussing and roundly criticizing the growth of the distorted claim that auto workers, on average, make $70.00 per hour. As you can...


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