Tagged: IMF

EXXON Helps Greece With Cash Crisis – Buys Parthenon “On Spec” 0

EXXON Helps Greece With Cash Crisis – Buys Parthenon “On Spec”

“No more fooling around, not in this place. We’ll pull our pants up and make a pile of money.”Alexis Zorba . . . the Greek Today, the Greek Parliament approved an austerity plan – favorable to...

The French Correction: “Le Grand Séducteur,” IMF’s Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Not So Grand. 0

The French Correction: “Le Grand Séducteur,” IMF’s Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Not So Grand.

Monsieur Strauss-Kahn enjoys a bike ridein Central Park today following his release on bail from Rikers Island. Strauss-Kahn indicated that his riding companion was his “favorite round-the-clock armed guard.”           The Back Story.        Sixty-two year old   ...


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