Tagged: families

Fat Cats Get Fatter, 2011 CEO Pay Rose 6% To Average $9,600,000. Here’s How Many Poor Families That Paycheck Can “Sponsor” 0

Fat Cats Get Fatter, 2011 CEO Pay Rose 6% To Average $9,600,000. Here’s How Many Poor Families That Paycheck Can “Sponsor”

The new AP/Equilar CEO salary report is out! So, how many poverty stricken families living at the official US Health & Human Services poverty guideline income level can the average CEO salary of 9.6...

California Congressman Pete Stark Calls Mitt Romney’s Bluff On Motherhood As Work: His H.R. 4379 Proposes TANF Amendment 1

California Congressman Pete Stark Calls Mitt Romney’s Bluff On Motherhood As Work: His H.R. 4379 Proposes TANF Amendment

The consequence of having few consistent policy positions sometimes leads to holding utterly opposite opinions on the same issue. As we know, such is Mitt Romney on “working mothers.” He went nuclear after Hilary...


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