Tagged: Constitution-Amendment

ONE MORE TRY: Congress Should Give Back Its 2009 Pay Raise! 0

ONE MORE TRY: Congress Should Give Back Its 2009 Pay Raise!

Lately, every time we turn around or switch channels or Internet tubes we’re hearing from Congresspeople of all stripes, persuasions, and shoe sizes that the spending in the fiscal stimulus proposal needs cutting, slashing,...

Congress Ought To Rescind Its 2009 Pay Raise 2

Congress Ought To Rescind Its 2009 Pay Raise

January 26, 2009: This is another updated version of previous postings on this topic. President Obama, striking exactly the right chord on his first day in office, signed a White House staff pay freeze...

Congressional Overpay Raise 0

Congressional Overpay Raise

“If they will only do their job that is all that they are being overpaid for.” David O. Selznick, on actors and actresses As the economy caves in, our elected officials will soon be...


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