Get Him A Typewriter Quick! Giuliani Threatens To Help Trump By Co-Writing Trump’s Reply To Mueller’s (Eventual) Report

Michael J. Matheron, June 8, 2018
Today, Bloomberg reported that, among other things, LINO (Lawyer In Name Only) Rudy Giuliani will assist the Trump legal scrum in the writing of a response to Bob Mueller’s eventual report.
“Giuliani, argu[ed] his work will undermine the credibility of any report Mueller sends to the Justice Department for possible action against Trump. ‘The report will go nowhere, and we will be able to counter with our own report which I’ll be involved in writing.'”
This may explain the large number of pizzas and beer delivered to Mr. Mueller’s offices after Giuliani’s comments. Additionally, White House counsel, Don McGhan, was apparently underwhelmed by Giuliani’s presumptive comment: “My ass he will!” He later retracted after meeting with Giuliani’s own lawyer, Vinny Gambibi, issuing a one word statement, “Ouch!”
I asked Trump press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about this. She defended Giuliani while simultaneously attacking him within an overall nasty context:
“Yes, you idiot, Mr. Giuliani is obviously a member of our team; you try getting rid of him. He’s got himself planted and the president enjoys his company. They water ski on the Potomac, occasionally funnel money together, and play hide and seek by forcibly sequestering White House interns in unusual places. So, Mr. Giuliani is valued here. He’s seen as serious comic relief who ought to somehow be taken seriously. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon and for the rest of this administration. Now go pound sand, you idiot.”
From her, that’s a compliment. Dutifully, I headed off to the shore with a mallet.