It’s the night before the Iowa Caucus and a large number of Iowa’s GOP caucusites are undecided about which loopy candidate to stand up for; according to today’s polls, 41% of likely caucusers are still scratching their heads. So,...
2012’s only about 16 hours old, but I drank a lot last night and had a nightmare . . . Oh, the humanity!!!!!!!! . . . Please excuse the graphic imagery. ...
It’s cold today on Lake Superior’s Isle Royale, the Michigan island home of the Cardiac Life Extension Marketing Association (CMDMA). Since an unexpected warm spell last weekend, the group, some 125 strong, has conducted a surprisingly...
The Iowa caucus looms. Today, never caught napping, FOX announced a new sitcom, Dating Iowa! that will air on alternate Tuesdays during the GOP primary season. The network calls it a “madcap adventure as seven...
Newt Gingrich is notorious for his “futurist” idea that the best way to destroy public school physical plant and janitorial service unions is to employ their children instead for well below minimum wage. Gingrich...
Rick Santorum, the former U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania now facing his first electoral test among Republicans in next week’s Iowa Caucus, may feel a little light in the loafers. He’s floating upwards. In the...
In 1980, Newt Gingrich left his wife Jacqueline. He was involved in an affair with Marianne Ginther, who would become the next Mrs. Gingrich. Newt has long maintained that it was Jacqueline, not he...
“Older Americans do not intend to ruin America, but as a group, that’s what they’re about.” Robert Samuelson, Washington Post, July 28, 2011, Why are we in this debt fix? It’s the elderly,...