Author: Michael Matheron

Unclassy End To The CLASS ACT 0

Unclassy End To The CLASS ACT

“the solution is to amend the program to make it work, not just repeal it and leave nothing in its place.” Henry Waxman, February 1, 2012 CLASS Act.Memo to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius recommending...

Romney-Speak: Three Even Worse Aspects Of Mitt’s Lack Of Concern About the “Very Poor” 0

Romney-Speak: Three Even Worse Aspects Of Mitt’s Lack Of Concern About the “Very Poor”

In a fit of what can only be viewed as overconfidence after his win in the Florida primary, Mitt Romney accidentally told the truth on CNN this morning:  “I’m not concerned about the very poor,”...

Steven Colbert Super PAC, “Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow,” Federal Election Commission Financial Disclosure Documents 0

Steven Colbert Super PAC, “Americans For A Better Tomorrow, Tomorrow,” Federal Election Commission Financial Disclosure Documents

Here you go!  See Colbert’s note to the FEC, and the find out who his PAC contributors are.  Can you find an entry for Jon Stewart? Financial Disclosure Report (FEC Form 99) for Steven...


‘I accept the charge that I am grandiose and that Americans are instinctively grandiose.’ Space Industry – The space industry represents $4.5 billion of the state’s economy. The average annual wage of aerospace workers...

Details Emerge About Herman Cain’s Endorsement Of Newt Gingrich – Sponsorship Included Wife Swap Arrangement 0

Details Emerge About Herman Cain’s Endorsement Of Newt Gingrich – Sponsorship Included Wife Swap Arrangement

Today, in a disclosure that was still capable of surprising a few pols and pundits, Gloria Cain revealed that her husband’s support for Newt Gingrich for president was solidified after reaching an agreement that included...

Introducing “The Fat-Cat Quotient.” How Many Poor Families Can Mitt Romney Afford On His 2011 Speaking Fee Income Alone? 1

Introducing “The Fat-Cat Quotient.” How Many Poor Families Can Mitt Romney Afford On His 2011 Speaking Fee Income Alone?

Mitt’s definitely winning the class war.  Based on the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) 2011 Poverty Guidelines, last year, for example, he could have financed as many as 34 families of eight with his 2011 speaking fees income...


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